Business plan
If you have already registered through the tutorial, you should take a look at what Libertagia offers, what you should expect from this company, what your earnings will be, how is their business model…
If you registered as a free member, you will be earning a minimum of $60 each month from the beginning by doingdaily tasks that take you 10 minutes.
As an affiliate of Libertagia, you can follow 3 work strategies. Focus on that one you like the most, or use them all to increase your earnings!
1. Salesman: you can sell their products to people that is interested in them, and you will be rewarded with commissions. Some of their products are:
Libertagia is a technology company and they are betting on the future. Cloud storage is the revolution for Internet-based companies, and you will be able to sell cloud storage to people that need it. From 1 terabyte to 500 terabytes (which is 500.000 Gb).

Giagift is araffle system which is already working. Members canbuy tickets (there are bronze, silver, and gold tickets) and to participate in weekly raffles.
2. Online advertisement:
Click Plus is a product that generates traffic to people who purchase a Click package. You can sell those packs to anyone that is starting a business, or to companies that need to increase their website´s position in Google or in the different search engines. These paid visits will be completed as tasks to do by all affiliates.
4. Team trainer (Here is the BIG MONEY)
Free members make a minimum of $60 monthly by doing daily tasks. However, I have to say to you that Libertagia is not that kind of company in which you are going to make only $60 monthly. That is not your target. The big money, the big business here is in the network. Let me explain you why:
If you saw the video I made in which I showed you what you will get in the worst case scenario. You will easily understand why I am telling you this. Libertagia is offering you the opportunity to make thousands and thousands of dollars. Let’s take a look at it through an example:
Imagine you start right now, guided by those free $60 monthly. As a bronze member you earn 1% of your whole network’s earnings. That means if you have 10 referrals in your network (in all 6 levels together), and they earn 10 x $60 = $600, then you get 1% of that, which is $6. However to start earning commissions from your network you have to pay the monthly contribution (it costs $40, but you can choose when to activate it), then it is not worth it that month. Thus, you see that it is not worth paying for your monthly contribution until you have at least 80 referrals in all 6 levels of your network, because 80 x $60 = $4.800, and its 1% is $40, so from that point you should pay your monthly contribution to make it worth it.
Now you start thinking… 80 referrals?¡ Are you serious? Do I have to pay $40 monthly to earn more money…? I am going to just do my tasks and to earn $60 monthly. Then this is not the best business for you. Something like paid surveys is what you are looking for.
It is time to change your mind completely. In this awful economic situation a company like Libertagia is giving us the opportunity to make BIG money with them. This could change your life forever. You can sit down and do nothing at all but tasks, or you can think about your own future and take a step forward. Here is where entrepreneurs who have a positive mind, who don’t surrender even if they don’t get the expected results in the first months, those are who succeed and who achieve their goals. You have the chance to get started right now, or you can just keep on looking for a full-time job you don’t like and in which you only exchange time for money.
Well, I have to say that in the beginning I joined Libertagia only to earn those $60 monthly, but when I realized the great opportunity I had in front of me, I soon changed my way of thinking and started thinking BIG. It’s ok if you resign yourself to just earn those $60 in the first months, but don’t stop expanding your network, don’t stop inviting people to the great opportunity Libertagia is offering everyone. Form entrepreneurs and show them how to to the same. That is the key.
You could only have a few referrals in your network in the first months, but if they are good ones like you, they will create their own network soon. Imagine you just invite 5 people to your network. It is enough that they do the same to give you 5 x 5 = 25 members in the second level. Imagine it keeps on the same way… until the sixth level: 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 15.625. Yes, you read right! And it is enough that they are all bronze members so that you make the 1% of (15.625 members x $60 each one) = $7.812. You would make that amount monthly. Now imagine you upgrade to the Booster pack. You will earn the 2% of your whole network’s earnings, which is $15.625 monthly… Sounds good, right?
And you could still upgrade to Silver, Golden, Platinum or Visionary. But that is not the end of this: you can purchase up to 60 packages per account. Guess how much you would be able to make that way? Do you still think that it is enough for you to accept those $60 monthly?
Libertagia gives you the opportunity to get started for free, that is the greatest thing about this company. Don’t waste this chance and take action. You have a brilliant future in front of you. Start showing this to your family, to your friends, to your online contacts… It all depends on your motivation, because more people will join your team if you show them how far they can go with Libertagia.
If you want to make your business grow faster, you can directly go for premium membership packages, and each one of them, from the first one to the last one, will reward you with higher monthly earnings and higher percentages of commissions from your network’s earnings, from your sales… Here I list the different membership packages:
Booster box:
- Costs $399, 12 months
- Monthly earnings only with tasks or mining = $100 (approx.)
Silver box:
- Costs $899, 12 months
- Monthly earnings only with tasks or mining = $240 (approx.)
Golden box:
- Costs $1599, 12 months
- Monthly earnings only with tasks or mining = $400 (approx.)
Platinum box:
- Costs $2.999, 12 months
- Monthly earnings only with tasks or mining = $800 (approx.)
Visionary box:
- Costs $5.999, 12 months
- Monthly earnings only with tasks or mining = $1.600 (approx.)
(NOTE): These amounts are only calculated if you have no people in your network and if you sell nothing at all. You will earn much more if you include network commissions, a percentage of your whole team´s earnings, network sales, upgrade packs that your referrals purchase, cloud storage sales, click plus sales, etc. Remember this is a job and no one gives free money away, so the more you work, the more you earn!
As you saw in this video, you can actually earn a nice monthly income in the future by doing nothing but your daily tasks, or you can change your mind and work a bit more to increase your earnings a lot.
You are your own boss now. You set your own goals.
What are you waiting for? Join my network now and start making your own business grow RIGHT NOW!
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